How To Avoid Vietnam Visa Rejection

Updated on Oct 15, 2023 | Vietnam e-Visa

The most common causes of a Vietnam Visa rejection are explored in this post. This post will also provide the applicants of the Vietnam E-Visa with essential information about how they can avoid making certain mistakes in the application that will not lead to a rejected Vietnam Visa.

Currently, the passport holders of only twenty-four nations can take a trip to Vietnam and stay there without a Visa. The travellers from the remaining countries will have to mandatorily apply for a Vietnam Visa to enter and stay in the country.

The nationals of multiple countries can apply for a Vietnamese electronic Visa or a Vietnam E-Visa online. Even though the process to obtain a Vietnam E-Visa is simple and straightforward, many applicants may commit mistakes while preparing the application for the Vietnam E-Visa or filling out the Vietnam E-Visa application form.

This may lead to delays in the processing and approval process of the application. Or in worst case scenarios, it may lead to Vietnam Visa rejection. 

Plus, the applicants will be provided enough information about how they can avoid being rejected for entrance in Vietnam during arrival.

Vietnam Visa Online is an electronic travel authorization or travel permit to visit Vietnam for a period of time upto 30 days for travel or business purposes. International visitors must have a Vietnam Visa Online to be able to visit Vietnam . Foreign citizens can apply for an Vietnam Visa Application in a matter of minutes. Vietnam Visa Application process is automated, simple, and completely online.

Why Will the Vietnamese Electronic Visa Application Be Rejected By The Vietnamese Authorities?

There are many causes that will lead to the rejection of the applicant's Vietnam E-Visa application. Many times, the reasons are simple and easy to avoid.

For example: missing information or errors made in the Vietnam E-Visa application form can be common causes for the Vietnam Visa rejection.

To ensure that the applicants can complete the Vietnam E-Visa application successfully and correctly, here are some common causes of rejection elaborated for a better understanding about them.

Vietnam e-Visa (Vietnam Visa Online) is a required travel authorization for travelers visiting Vietnam for business, tourism or transit purposes. This online process for electronic Visa for Vietnam was implemented from 2017 by the Government of Vietnam, with the goal of enabling any of the future eligible travelers to apply for an e-Visa to Vietnam. Learn more at Online Vietnam Visa.

What Are the Common Errors Made By Applicants While Preparing The Vietnam E-Visa Application?

These are the common mistakes that are made by applicants while they are preparing the Vietnam E-Visa application:

Spelling mistakes or false information mentioned on the electronic Visa application form

It is extremely crucial that there are no spelling mistakes committed while filling the Vietnam E-Visa application form. The applicants are needed to make sure that they are spelling each information and detail in the application form correctly and accurately. These are the details and information that should be spelled correctly which are present on the applicant's passport as well:

  • Full name of the applicant.
  • Passport number of the applicant's passport.
  • Date of birth of the traveller in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

If there are spelling mistakes made while filling this information in the Vietnam E-Visa application form, the applicant may have to face a rejected Visa application or there may be a delay in the processing process.

Moreover, even if the application of the traveller gets approved with these spelling mistakes, the authorities at the Vietnamese airport may deny the entrance of the traveller in Vietnam as the details on their E-Visa are not matching the details on their passport.

There are multiple online travel agencies on the internet that will assist the applicants to fill the Vietnam E-Visa application form in a way that there are no spelling mistakes or similar errors made in the form that may lead to Vietnam Visa rejection or a denied entry at the Vietnamese airport.

Missing details on the electronic Visa application form

The applicants are required to compulsorily fill each question field present in the Vietnam E-Visa application form and no question field is left behind. This comprises the section of personal details and passport information.

If there are any missing details in the Vietnam E-Visa application form, there might be a rejection of the application. This will require the applicant to prepare a new application from the start to obtain a Vietnam Visa before the intended date of their journey to Vietnam.

The Vietnamese electronic Visa photograph does not abide by the specific guidelines and standards

To complete the Vietnam E-Visa application, the applicant will have to submit two important documents. One of them is a digital copy of the latest passport style photograph of the applicant. The photo uploaded by the applicant for their E-Visa application should stick to the photograph standards of the Vietnam E-Visa. If this rule is not followed by the applicant, their application will be rejected by the Vietnamese authorities.

These are the aspect of the photograph that will be accessed before the photograph is considered eligible for the Vietnam E-Visa application:

  • Format and weight of the passport style photograph.
  • Clarity and quality of the applicant's passport size photograph.
  • The facial expressions of the applicant in their passport style photo.
  • The accessories worn by the applicant in the passport style photograph for the Vietnam E-Visa application such as: 1. Glasses. 2. Scarves. 3. Turbans, etc.

Any mistakes with the Vietnam E-Visa photograph can be a major reason why the application of the applicant is rejected by the Vietnamese authorities. That's why it is essential for the applicants to ensure that the photograph submitted by them for their E-Visa application is perfect according to the guidelines and standards of the Vietnam E-Visa. If the applicant fails to do so, they will have to apply for a new Vietnam E-Visa from the start.

These are the same criteria that the applicants will have to follow when they are applying for a Vietnam Visa on Arrival (VOA). The applicants will have to submit 02 passport size photographs along with the pre-approval letter that is obtained to get a Vietnam Visa stamp upon arrival.

When speaking of Vietnam, individuals from 80 counties can gain E-Visa for multiple purposes in Vietnam. Here is a detailed guide on the complete process of gaining a Vietnam visa online. Learn more at Vietnam Visa Online Overview.

What Will Happen If The Vietnamese Electronic Visa Application Is Rejected?

When the application of a traveller for the Vietnamese electronic Visa is rejected, the applicant will be informed about the Vietnam Visa rejection via the medium of email. Generally, applicants are informed about the rejection within seventy two hours of submitting the application for processing and approval.

After that, the applicant will have an opportunity to mend their mistakes and correct the errors in the application and submit it again. If the applicant is unable to stick to the requirements and standards of the Vietnam E-Visa application, then they can prepare a new one and submit it for processing and approval. 

What Is the Difference Between: Vietnam Visa Rejection And Vietnam Visa Refusal?

Applicants of the Vietnamese Visa will often hear the words Visa refusal and rejection being used interchangeably. Both the words mean that the application of the applicant has been rejected. But there are differences between the terms. Here is what both the terms means:

Vietnam Visa rejection

The Vietnamese electronic Visa application contains errors, incorrect information, incorrect photographs, etc. These errors can be fixed.

Vietnam Visa refusal

Vietnamese Visa refusal means that the traveller is not meeting the requirements and standards of the Vietnamese electronic Visa. For example: the nationality of the applicant is not considered eligible to apply for a Vietnam E-Visa.

Applicants will be enabled to apply for a Vietnam E-Visa again if there was a Vietnam Visa rejection of theiroriginal or the previous application. However, if the application of the applicant has been refused by the Vietnamese authorities, then they will be required to get in touch with the Vietnamese Embassy.

This post is made especially for all the travellers and visitors out there who wish to enter Vietnam in a short notice through the emergency Vietnam Visa. This post will educate them about what the urgent Vietnam Visa is and how they can apply for one. Learn more at Emergency Vietnam Visa .

Can Applicants Obtain A Vietnam Visa After Rejection Or Refusal Of Their Application?

Yes. Applicants will be enabled to obtain a Vietnam Visa after it has been rejected or refused by the Vietnamese authorities. If the applicant is facing a Vietnam Visa rejection or refusal for their previous application in unfortunate circumstances, this is what they are suggested to do:

  • Re-apply for the Vietnam Visa with accurate and precise information and details.

If the Vietnamese Visa rejection of the applicant took place due to false information or mistakes made in the application form, then they can correct those mistakes and errors and submit the application again.

  • Applying for a Vietnam Visa via the Vietnamese Embassy or the consulate office.

If the Vietnam E-Visa application of the applicant has been refused by the authorities due to multiple reasons like ineligible nationality, then they will have to apply for a Vietnam Visa via the Vietnamese Embassy or the consulate office. 

Even though the Vietnam E-Visa application of most travellers are approved within forty eight hours from when the applicant has submitted their application, they are advised to apply for a Vietnam Visa early to ensure that they are keeping enough time for the processing and approval of their Visa. This is proven to be effective if the application is faced by unexpected events or problems during the processing process.

This article explores everything you need to know about the Vietnam Visa on Arrival (VOA). This includes what the Vietnam visa on arrival is, why you should consider getting it, is it safe to get one and much more. Learn more at Tourist Guide to Vietnam Visa on Arrival.

Which are the most common errors made By Applicants While Completing The Visa Application?

These errors are considered the most common errors that the applicants make while they are completing the Vietnam Visa application which can lead to Vietnam Visa rejection: 

Mistakes with spellings or wrong details filled in the Vietnam Visa application form

It is a mandatory requirement for each applicant to follow, while they are applying for a Vietnam Visa, that the spelling filled in the Vietnam Visa application form is 100% correct. Certain details should be filled exactly like the applicant's original passport that are:

  • Full name. Errors in the spelling of the full name of the applicant can lead to Vietnam Visa rejection. 
  • Passport number. This number is usually present in the passport of the applicant. Hence it should be copied exactly from the passport to avoid mistakes in it.
  • Date of birth. The applicant will be needed to fill in the date of birth exactly like it is mentioned in the passport in the correct format of DD/MM/YYYY. Errors in doing so will lead to a rejected Vietnam Visa application.

If there are spelling mistakes made while filling these information in the Vietnam E-Visa application form, the applicant may have to face a rejected Visa application or there may be a delay in the processing process.

Moreover, even if the application of the traveller gets approved with these spelling mistakes, the authorities at the Vietnamese airport may deny the entrance of the traveller in Vietnam as the details on their E-Visa are not matching the details on their passport. 

Many expert and professional websites on the internet can be used by the applicant to make sure that each detail filled in the Vietnam Visa application form is correct. If there are any errors made by the applicant, the authorised and specialised website will help the applicant to mend it so that the application is perfect before submitting.

The application for the Vietnam E-Visa has a photograph that is ineligible avoiding to the set criteria

During the process of application of a Vietnam Visa, the applicants will have to make a submission of a recent photograph that is passport styled. This photograph should be perfect according to the set Vietnam Visa requirements and criteria. If not, the applicant will get a rejected Vietnam Visa application.

Here are the essential characteristics of the image that will be assessed before its acceptance by the Vietnamese authorities.

  • Format and weight
  • Clarity and quality
  • Facial expressions
  • Accessories and jewellery

Errors and mistakes with the Vietnam E-Visa photograph can be a major reason why the application of the applicant is rejected by the Vietnamese authorities.

That's why it is essential for the applicants to ensure that the photograph submitted by them for their E-Visa application is perfect according to the guidelines and standards of the Vietnam E-Visa. If the applicant fails to do so, they will have to apply for a new Vietnam E-Visa from the start. 

These are the same criteria that the applicants will have to follow when they are applying for a Vietnam Visa on Arrival (VOA). The applicants will have to submit 02 passport size photographs along with the pre-approval letter that is obtained to get a Vietnam Visa stamp upon arrival.

Many people travel to Vietnam today for leisure, business, education, etc. People who visit Vietnam for the first time frequently wonder which port they can enter through. This article discusses every port of entry for foreigners into Vietnam. Learn more at Vietnam Ports of Entry.

What Are the Reasons For The Travellers Denial Of Entrance In The Vietnamese Borders?

Even though the Vietnam Visa application of the applicant has been accepted by the Vietnamese authorities, it will not guarantee the entrance of the applicant in Vietnam. The main reason behind this can be different information and details present in the Vietnam E-Visa of the applicant and on their original passport. Such a situation will get their entrance denied at the Vietnamese border.

A common issue faced by the travellers at the Vietnamese border is regarding the intended date of entry in the country. The Vietnamese electronic Visa will be considered valid from the date on which it has been issued. And not on the date on which the applicant has arrived in the country. This mistake is commonly made by most travellers travelling to Vietnam. 

This mistake can lead to the visitor visiting Vietnam after their E-Visa has expired. Or it can also lead to the applicant arriving I'm Vietnam before the date of entry that has been stated on their Vietnam E-Visa application. This will be considered as a major reason for denying the entrance of the traveller in the country.

Other problems are related to the original passport of the applicant that they are using to apply for a Vietnam E-Visa and enter the country. These are the requirements that should be followed by each traveller regarding their passport to ensure that they are not denied entry in the country after they have landed in Vietnam. The passport requirements are as follows:

  • The passport should not be dirty or damaged. The applicant should ensure that they are travelling with a passport that is kept in good condition.
  • The passport needs to be valid for a period of six months. If not, then it will not be accepted for the applicant's entrance in Vietnam.
  • The passport should hold a photograph that clearly indicates that it is the image of the applicant who is the owner of the passport.

Vietnam offers a comprehensive package, with mountains and deep valleys, rivers and seas, brilliant white sand beaches, delta streams, sand dunes, monuments, sanctuaries, and national parks. Vietnam is one of Asia's most underestimated places, with undiscovered beauty and breathtaking landscapes that must be visited for a classic trip. Learn more at Tourist Guide for Beginners to Vietnam .

How To Avoid Refusal of Entrance In Vietnam?

The best way to avoid refusal of entrance in Vietnam is by obtaining a Vietnamese electronic Visa instead of a Vietnamese VOA. This is simply because if there are any errors in the application of the Vietnam E-Visa, the applicant will be enabled to mend it and correct it in advance.

Please bear in mind that Vietnam E-Visa fees must be paid every time an applicant is applying for a Vietnam Visa. Thus it might be extremely expensive for the applicant to get a Vietnam E-Visa if many applications have been rejected. This is also because the fees are non-refundable. 

To make sure that the documents submitted and filled in the application form are correct and to avoid paying the Vietnam E-Visa fees many times, the applicants are advised to follow each guideline given in this post thoroughly. 

Vietnam has something for everyone, with its various landscapes, rich culture, and wonderful food. It may be a backpacker favorite, but there are lots of locations in this gorgeous country to have some good old-fashioned family fun. Continue reading to learn about the finest family vacation destinations. Learn more at Tourist Guide to Top Family-Friendly Destinations in Vietnam .

How To Avoid the Rejection of A Vietnam Visa Summary

To avoid Vietnam Visa rejection and to make sure that the traveller can travel to Vietnam on their planned date, this guide will be considered extremely useful and helpful in ensuring that there is no Vietnam Visa refusal or rejection. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the Vietnam Visa. Get answers to the most common questions about the requirements, important information and documents required to travel to Vietnam. Learn more at Frequently Asked Questions for Vietnam E-Visa.

Check your eligibility for Online Vietnam Visa and apply for Online Vietnam Visa four (4) - seven (7) days in advance of your flight. US citizens, British citizens, Australian citizens, French citizens, Spanish Citizens, Dutch Citizens and Italian citizens can apply online for Online Vietnam Visa. Should you need any help or require any clarifications you should contact our Vietnam Visa Help Desk for support and guidance.